Carees at Angst+Pfister

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5 star rating
as I am still in the process (just after first interview) I cannot rate the process as a whole. First part was fully satisfying though.
Applicant feedback from July 20, 2024
Super Vorstellungsgespräch
Das Vorstellungsgespräch bei Angst+Pfister AG empfand ich als sehr positiv. Das Gespräch war gut strukturiert, was eine entspannte und produktive Atmosphäre schuf. Die Kommunikation war offen und transparent, was einen guten Dialog förderte. Es wurde eine ausführliche Erklärung zur Firma und ihrer Unternehmenskultur gegeben, was mir half, die Unternehmensziele zu verstehen. Insgesamt hinterließ das Vorstellungsgespräch einen sehr guten Eindruck, und ich freue mich auf die nächsten Schritte im Bewerbungsprozess.
Applicant feedback from July 16, 2024
Great first interview
The interview was conducted well and seemed to give a good view of what the company is like as well as taking the time to explain the role.
Applicant feedback from June 29, 2024
Positive feedback
I would say that my feedback is positive and I would be interested to know more about you and my potential role and to go on with the hiring process. The thing I appreciate the most is that the interview was transparent and friendly. Kind regards, Sara Pirovano
Applicant feedback from June 19, 2024
news delivered in person
The role that I applied for was put on hold. I appreciate that this message was conveyed to me during a call instead of receiving a generic email. In addition both the HR and hiring managers took time to answer my questions.
Applicant feedback from May 28, 2024
Job application AP NL
All in all a very pleasant, enjoyable and satisfying experience. Employer and recruiter were both open attentive and pleasant and professional to interact with.
Applicant feedback from May 16, 2024
Super Bewerbungsgespräch
- Transparent - Ehrlich - konnte offen reden ohne Angst zu haben
Applicant feedback from April 27, 2024
Feedback zum ersten Interview
Das Gespräch war sehr freundlich und professionell. Die Teilnehmer haben mir einen detaillierten Einblick in die Aufgaben und Herausforderungen der ausgeschriebenen Position geben können. Des Weiteren wurden die künftigen Prozessschritte klar kommuniziert und mir als Bewerber wurde genügend Zeit zur Verfügung gestellt, um auf meine Fragen einzugehen.
Applicant feedback from April 17, 2024
Positive feedback
I wanted to thank the interviewers for taking the time to describe the role and give me an overview of the company. I also appreciated their positive attitude towards me as a candidate. They described a well organized company that shares my values. I perceived the will of improving the structure of the IT Department, this is what I am used to and what I am looking for. I hope that my experience, my will to learn and face new challenges can enable me to fulfill the job requirements. I wish I could get the chance of giving my contribution to the company’s growth. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Kind regards
Applicant feedback from April 17, 2024
Well structured interview
Well prepared and organised! Everything was explained in detail. Nice environment and friendly interviewers
Applicant feedback from April 14, 2024
Samples from 219 reviews

Culture Testimonials

Dive into the heart of our organization with this enlightening video of employee testimonials. Get a firsthand glimpse of our fascinating company culture, hear about the enriching experiences, rewarding opportunities, and what truly makes us a unique place to work. Discover why our employees love being part of the Angst+Pfister family.

Your contact persons

Anca Felder

Leader Talent Acquisition

Antonia Grande

Talent Acquisition Partner

Information for recruiting agencies:

Angst+Pfister has set itself the goal of recruiting the best candidates possible to assist with the  further development and expansion of our company.


Service and customer-oriented candidates with sound educational qualifications who share our enthusiasm for technology and value an international atmosphere are truly welcome here at Angst+Pfister.


Would you like to introduce us to an interesting candidate (all genders) who matches one of our open positions? Then simply upload their application documents in the related job opening above. 


We are happy to evaluate your talents and are looking forward to successfully collaborating with you. We truly appreciate your efforts in supporting our future growth.



IMPORTANT: Please note that our policy applies to a possible cooperation with staffing agencies. By submitting your candidate dossier to one of our job openings, you accept our terms and conditions which can be viewed by clicking on the button below. 

Our terms and conditions


We are looking forward to your application!